Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mushroom Risotto

So, I am not going to go into the risotto method here. It is a little time consuming and lengthy for a single blog entry. If you want to attempt this dish read up on risotto first. Heres what you need,





Parmesan cheese

Cream cheese

Truffle Oil

Begin by heating your risotto in a cold pan with a little heavy cream. When that is working saute up all of your vegetables and mushrooms in a hot pan with oil and butter. Set the veg aside for a moment. Now add parmesan, butter, cream cheese, and truffle oil to the risotto. When the parmesan is melted season with salt and pepper and give it a taste. Adjust the seasoning to taste. Now add the vegetable mix to the rice and give it a toss or two. Plate it and garnish. Your done.

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