Sunday, November 29, 2009

Horseradish Cod

Horseradish encrusted cod is one of my favorite dishes to prepare as well as to serve. Preparation is as follows. You will need,



Bread crumbs

Cod fish


To begin using fresh cod liberally coat the fish with fresh ground horseradish. Next dredge the cod in flour on both sides. After this beat eggs with water to form an eggwash. Make enough eggwash to completely submerge the cod. Submerge your cod in the eggwash and then transer into the bread crumbs. Now you are ready to cook! Leave a cast iron skillet with olive oil in it on the burner until the oil is smoking. The reason we use cast iron is for the hard sear and nice color it will give the cod. Brown the cod on each side and then finish in a 350 degree oven for about ten minutes. I like to serve mine with mashed potatos and vegetables, but many things go well with this dish. I like to garnish with a lemon wedge and a little chopped parsley.