Monday, November 30, 2009

Goat Cheese Fritter

Goat cheese fritters make great appetizers. These are really easy to prepare and are very pleasing to the eye. You will need,



Bread crumbs

Mix greens

Cherry tomatos

Balsamica Viniagrette

To begin form your goat cheese into little round cakes of 2-4oz of goat cheese a piece.

Roll your goat cheese cakes in flour until well coated. After that submerge the cakes in eggwash. Transfer the cakes from the eggwash to the bread crumbs and coat them completely. Brown the quickly on each side in a smoking hot cast iron skillet with a little olive oil. Serve on top of some mixed greens tossed in balsamic dressing and garnish with a few cherry tomatos. Serve immediately. Overall time for this dish is lees than five minutes if you move fast, about a half hour if you move like a snail.

1 comment:

  1. This is sooooo good!!! My stepmom made this once and I (quite suprised) LOVED it! I think that everyone should try this!
